A Word of welcome

One would listen to all the controversial events in SA schools such as bullies, sloppy teachers and probably one of the weakest education systems, as the media proclaims daily, then you most likely feel a little insecure with your child. Another question that may come up is choosing a traditional model C school versus choosing a private school. Once again, the media is trying to put private schools in a bad light, with negative statements and erroneous assumptions.

We want to reassure you by giving you the assurance that your child is in the right place. All Saints Academy has a very capable teaching staff with a good mix of young and old experienced, caring, qualified educators.

All the school's classes, especially the foundation phase, are much smaller than other similar schools.

All Saints Academy also offers your child the opportunity to encounter modern classroom technology.
Please make use of the school's open-door policy and come and talk so that we can work together as partners on your child's future. Get involved in your child's schoolwork and activities; you'll be surprised what it does for your child's self-confidence and humanity.

Give us the opportunity to develop your child's potential to the maximum, but also to nurture him/her within the framework of a safe school environment.

All Saints Academy is the school for happy children. Every child is important, Christian education with good values ??and norms is not negotiable. Your child receives quality education at a very affordable price

Welcome to you and your child. Primary school remains a challenge for any child.


We currently have 1 Grade 1 class. Pupils are homogeneously divided into boys and girls.
  School starts every day promptly at 7:00. Please make sure that your child is on time for school, Children become insecure very quickly

The school closes at 13:00 every day unless the school has made other arrangements. During the first week of grade 1, the learners come out at 12:00. There will be supervision in your child's class until 1.30. After the first week, the learners come out at 13:00.

Parents, please be on time when you pick up your child. Make sure the teacher knows how your child goes home in the afternoons. (e.g., transport arrangement, grandma, after-school care etc.) Your child should never feel scared and alone. Communication is sent with a circular or an SMS system, the WhatsApp class group or e-mail to make sure information is passed on.
  Any change must be brought to our attention for emergencies
  Use a marked envelope when sending money to school. Your child's name as well as what the money is for must be written on it.

Please support our fundraisers. A positive contribution that fits your pocket and budget will be appreciated.

Tuck shop money should also me in a money bag or a wallet and marked

There is a starter stationery pack that must be purchased. The list has everything your child needs to start his 1st grade year.
For reasons of comfort and space, the CADDY bags are not permitted.
Your child must have the necessary stationery at school every day. It causes many problems if children must borrow or sit and wait to borrow something from a friend.
Please mark all stationery clearly
  Reading books will be distributed later in the year then you will be given more information regarding reading. It is thus important that you read as many books as possible to your child, in this way a love for reading is cultivated from an early age and language aspects are developed, e.g., reading comprehension and expanding vocabulary
  Homework is discussed later
  Pupils may not be absent unnecessarily. They fall behind with their work and it is very difficult, especially in gr1, to catch up. Pupils are also continuously assessed.
If your child is sick, it is better to stay home and let the school know.
  If you want to pick up your child from school earlier, you must first fill in a letter of consent at the office, and then your child will be called. You may not go directly to class. Parents are not permitted in the school areas; we have learned from covid to keep our children’s learning areas as safe as possible
  Photos are taken of your child's first day of school. The date will be confirmed, and prices and packages will be available then.

Term 1                   11 January 2023 – 24 March 2023

Term2                    12 April 2023 – 23 June 2023

Term 3                   18 July 2023 – 29 September 2023

Term 4                   10 October 2023 – 15 December 2023




Boys Girls
School uniform available at Pandors.011 827 5400


Extramural activities


All Saints Academy is a new school but in the last two years the school has dominated the East Rand Eisteddfods with item winners and results above 90%

Visual and Performing Arts Club

The takes place twice a week at the school.
Children will be exposed to different forms of performing art as well as visual art.
This will result in an art exhibition and a school concert.

Physical education, 1 hour a week in school time.

Phys kidz

Once a week, at an additional charge for your own account.

7 Secrets to success

1. There is no secret to success.
2. Success is reserved for everyone.
3. Your life only gets better when you get better.
4. There is no success without sacrifice.
5. Success is achieved in centimetres, not kilometres.
6. The biggest enemy of tomorrow's success is today's success.
7. No advice about success works unless you work.